Monday, August 31, 2009

Goals For The Year

I have some goals for this year. I hope to gain a better understanding of the people I have in my class. I was a little nervous when I first found out who my teachers were and who I had in my classes. After the little time I spent thinking about how much I wanted to be in the same class as all of my close friends, I realized this is probably the better environment for me to get more work done, and done well.

One goal I have is to be extremely prepared for the SAT. I have been stressing about it for so long because I am not a goot test taker, but I am up for the challenge due to the severity of my success on the test. Another goal I have is to get a little more sleep in the night. I say this every year but I mean it. Im tired.

I hope to accomplish a new understanding of our civilization and history through Humanities. I hope to learn more about the experiences of others and the opinions of others through reading, writing and listening in class. I really hope to incorporate music&art together a lot this year in my work since I feel those are two strong points that I have, and I feel when put together, make good work great work. I also hope to develop stronger work habits. I need to concentrate more and I can work harder on placing myself in the right situations to do so.

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