Sunday, November 8, 2009

Gatsby and Nick are both somewhat detached from their surroundings. Compare and contrast this sense of detachment. How are they similar and/or different in this respect?

They are both detached from their surroundings in different ways, but it contributes to both of their personalities and actions in the book. An example of this, is Gatsby's earlier mysterious attitude. He reminded me of the man next door from the sandlot that no one knew and was cautious of. He was unknown in the neighborhood on nights other than his parties. He also is privileged higher than most in East Egg. For example when he flashed the cop his white card when he was pulled over for speeding, the cop apologized for bothering him. LEGIT. Nick on the other hand is out of place in general. He seems like the guy who is kind of just along for the ride. He doesn't connect with anyone strongly, except for his admiration of Gatsby. I think they both have their odd attributes that contribute to their "detachment" from their everyday surroundings.

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