Sunday, October 18, 2009

Some Product Ideas

Product 1:
a) Several art pieces designed to exaggerate the pollution levels and wildlife effects

Ideas that I can take from this example:
  • Make my point very clear. This is an extremely good example of a well thought out point being made into a visual example.
  • Spend a good amount of time making it very detailed.
  • One thing this person didn't have was an artist statement explaining his work through making this. I believe this would help people understand his inspiration.

Product 2:

a) Short film/documentary. I don't really know which one yet. I think documentary would be easier but I would like to challenge myself a little.

b)Lebanon: The Oil Spill

c) Things I can take from this video:

  • Great footage of the effects of the oil spill and pollution. I need real good footage to make my product stand out from other documentaries.
  • What I can add is a personal aspect, maybe relate it closer to the impact it has on the people as well.
  • Interviews with people to get their views on coastal matters.

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