Friday, January 29, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
1) Q: After getting your bachelors, then masters at northwestern, you pursued doctoral studies in the Department of Music and Human Learning at the University of Texas at Austin. What did you do? What was it like?
Music and human learning- college level music teaching and education. Lots of research; and I already had a masters and bachelors degree in piano it was something new. I was always working as a musician. I never just went to college. I was always teaching. So that was good because some people don’t even work in college…and they are dumb (Laughs). So I was gaining experience while I was learning. I ended up leaving Texas for a good job offer know I couldn’t resist.
Q: What was your job offer?
Senior editor at a publishing company..Music publishing.
2) Q: Do you feel you made the right decision going into an art related field, opposed to a more guaranteed higher paying business profession?
Yeah, there is a saying that (Winton Marsalis) you don’t choose music, music chooses you. And I think that is very true. And I think that there are three different groups of people. People that do music because there is nothing else...and they are often in trouble. Then, there is the second group that do it because they can’t see themselves doing anything else. Then the third group of people that find a balance to do music and something else…which is cool…but I was definitely the second group. I don’t want to make it seem like if you are unsure about something not to do it, but you will definitely know. It’s all about your experience.
3) Q: Even with a bachelor’s degree in music, did you feel unqualified going into music as a profession? Were you nervous? Did you ever feel that you weren’t good enough?
Oh yeah. Of course I did. It takes a lot of time to gain enough confidence and experience to feel good about yourself as a musician. And there are still parts of my business that I feel like a total klutz. Even though I never doubted my degree choice, there were so many times I wanted to quit. I had serious struggles with doubts.
Q: How did you overcome those? Did you put those thoughts aside?
I realized I was there for me. Regardless of if I won the competition or if my career was important to anyone else…I didn’t care what they thought. I knew what I was doing and I knew why I was there. It wasn’t their life. I didn’t care. You just have to focus on what YOU want. It’s like that band teacher you had. He said you weren’t good enough. You weren’t good at the skills he required, but he didn’t see what you WERE good at. That’s why you have to keep going, and not always listen to people that may be professionals.
4) Q: How does your work affect their personal life? Do you still find yourself doing all the things you once did before this company was your main priority? (Jamming)
Yeah, it has. Unfortunately. And I think in one hand its good, because now we play music all day long; but it does mean that I don’t play music anymore, and then come home and play music just to relax me anymore. So yeah, it has in a way.
5) Q: Did teaching music affect you in any way? What have you gained from teaching?
I just love the look on people’s faces when they get something. And it has brought so much happiness into my life that I just want to share it. And I want other people to feel that. It became a matter of fulfillment for other people…where as performing its all about you, and who you are impressing. I just feel a lot better sharing it.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
I have grown to appreciate teachers more. It takes a lot more then it looks to teach something. I say this because I have began to teach music and several other things on a daily basis. The words and actions it takes to do something that you have aquired a skill for, are like chinese to someone who has never done it before. It comes naturally to you, but getting someone to understand, is very difficult. Last night, my neighbor called me asking for help in biology for her final tomorrow. She asked if I was good and I said that I had taken honors bio and could help her with what she needed. When I got there and sat down, I didn't know how to explain anything. I could answer trivia and narrow down multiple choice, but had forgotten how to get to where I am. It led me to wonder how my teachers were so good at making you understand. I don't know if its the several years of repeating the same lessons over and over again, or good memory or something else. All I know is that it is not easy.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Project description: Create a detailed reference sheet for customers at the Recreational Music Center looking to buy a drumset. Include price differences and information on what to buy and what not to buy.
Project schedule:
Tuesday-Fri- work on getting information, and filtering information from the Namm show.
Mon-Wed.- Work on design for the reference sheet.
Materials & Equipment needed: Printer, Paper, Computer.
Project documentation: How will you keep track of your work?
I have been keeping track of my work in a folder on my computer, through pictures of my travels and quotes from people on various occassions.
How will others know about it?
Through my blog and through passing it out at my internship.
What will you have to show when internship is over?
Several completed designs, a completed reference sheet, several pictures from the namm show, and some other things that are still being developed.
- After School Music Program
- Advertisements Inside NTC Buildings
- Update Student Roster
- RMC Jam Event
Time management and organization. I am an organized person in general, and I think I could somehow incorporate that into my work for internship, as well as my final project. Possibly a better way of organizing things for the studio, or updating work to make it more organized.
I want to collaborate music, art, and business into my final project by possibly having bands play at one of their events to increase the amount of people that come in.
I can learn a lot. So far I have learned how to sync 5 different instruments together to be able to hear each other, so people can come in with several people, and jam a song together electronically.
It is hard to answer this, but I have learned a lot about real world job application and how much it really takes to own and run your own business.
During their weekly friday fun nights, during their RMC jams, over one of their summer courses, during one of their classes or during one of their friday night liberty events.
By giving them an extra set of hands and eyes to help carry out everyday tasks. I feel like I got here right on time to help them out with whatever they needed.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
- New logo/website template
- After School Music Program
- Advertisements Inside ntc Buildings
- Update Student Roster
- RMC Jam Event
I would like to develop a better schedule and method of doing and keeping track of my work such as a daily work log, to do list or a separate blog for my work.
I am interested in the teaching of the classes and lessons. They are laid back and very casual, but still extremely helpful. I think it would be fun to teach a class there or at least assist a teacher during one of the lessons.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Pretty sweet Roland electric drum kits. The coolest part about their studio, is that all the instruments can be streamed together for lessons enabling several kids to play together on the same song at the same time. I get to test them out to make sure they work in the morning!