Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Internship: Day 3

  • New logo/website template
  • After School Music Program
  • Advertisements Inside ntc Buildings
  • Update Student Roster
  • RMC Jam Event
Answer these questions to get started:

1. What skills would you like to develop at your site?
I would like to develop a better schedule and method of doing and keeping track of my work such as a daily work log, to do list or a separate blog for my work.
2. What interests do you have regarding the work done at your site?
I am interested in the teaching of the classes and lessons. They are laid back and very casual, but still extremely helpful. I think it would be fun to teach a class there or at least assist a teacher during one of the lessons.
3. What needs can you address (needs your mentor has, your company has, etc.) based on your skills and interests?
Organization of the roster/calendar and daily work. I can produce new designs for them without having to pay for a designer to make them. I can be on hand at events where normally they are short staffed.

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